The School of Management Colloquium consists of a series of lectures and seminars given by leading scholars of the management field, designed to increase students’ academic and critical thinking abilities. The colloquium held its second session on October 29, 2020, and invited Professor Li Sali of the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina to make a brilliant seminar online titled “What if one creates no content? Social Platform Performance Under Different Intellectual Property Rights Regimes”. The session was presided over by Professor Ma Hongjia, Head of the Department of International Business.
In his seminar, Dr. Li introduced how he isolated research interests by observing the development of social media platforms such as TikTok, as well as how these interests grew into practical research projects. Dr. Li shared the published results of his research and discussed how he selected his variables, constructed and verified his models. Later, Dr. Li discussed future research pipelines, pointing out that research over digital platforms are still relatively new, and there remain many topics yet to be explored. Finally, Dr. Li shared his advice on publishing in international journals, and answered questions from the online audience, especially on his experiences in academic writings.
After the seminar, Professor Ma Hongjia thanked Dr. Li for his expertise, also indicating the School of Management’s hope to collaborate further with his team. Dr. Ma expressed the school’s gratitude for Dr. Li. The colloquium was established to aid the school by providing a platform to interact with international experts, and Dr. Li’s session has provided the students and faculty with his expert advice.